都内で働くSEの技術的なひとりごと / Technical soliloquy of System Engineer working in Tokyo

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I wrote a code to control Nature Remo in C# because I saw the article about Sony DSC-QX10 that I wrote in the past.

I bought Nature Remo mini on impulse.

Nature Remo mini 家電コントロ-ラ- REMO2W1

Nature Remo mini 家電コントロ-ラ- REMO2W1





Nature Remo mini


Nature Remo is in simple box.


Simple Box

Nature Remo mini is a bit bigger than Airpods.


Nature Remo mini and AirPods


The cause of impulse buying is the following article. I wanted to control Nature Remo mini like Sony DSC-QX10.



I would like to operate Nature Remo mini with C # referring to the blog above and the Nature Remo API. Based on the following sources used in the operation of Sony DSC-QX10, I will change it to Nature Remo mini version.

static async void DoPost()
    string jsonparams = "{\"method\": \"actTakePicture\"," +
                        "\"params\": []," +
                        "\"id\": 1," +
                        "\"version\": \"1.0\"}";
string url = ""; var httpclient = new HttpClient(); var jsoncontent = new StringContent(jsonparams, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); httpclient.MaxResponseContentBufferSize = int.MaxValue; var response = await httpclient.PostAsync(url, jsoncontent); String text = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); }


It is a DVD deck to control. The remote controller is as shown below.


Remote Controller


In order to control the device, you need to get the device id. It can be obtained by sending a request to Nature Remo mini using the code below. Please get the access token here.

static async void DoGet()
    string token = "Bearer " + "{access token}";
    string url = "https://api.nature.global/1/appliances";
    var httpclient = new HttpClient();
    httpclient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", token);

    var response = await httpclient.GetAsync(url);


Since you can get the device id, use that the device id to control the power of a DVD deck.


device id

The acquired id ( e1ac8815-1480-4914-bd77-a42c5037659b) is specified as follows, and the source is rewritten for POST request. A status code is returned in 200, it will succeed. I think It is able to write the code of the GET code and the POST code beautifully by using HttpRequestMessage and SendAsync.

static async void DoPost()
    string token = "Bearer " + "{access token}";
    string url = "https://api.nature.global/1/signals/e1ac8815-1480-4914-bd77-a42c5037659b/send";
    var httpclient = new HttpClient();
    var httpreqmsg = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url);

    httpreqmsg.Headers.Add("Authorization", token);

    var response = await httpclient.SendAsync(httpreqmsg);


Because I want to make the sample source code as simple as possible, I do not specify HEADER information and other necessary information neatly. For full-fledged use, please refer carefully to the Nature Remo API specification.

A programming of device is fun. I noticed after Nature Remo mini arrived at my house, but the second generation of Nature Remo has humidity, human feeling, and light sensor. I should have bought the second generation of Nature Remo!

Nature Remo 第2世代モデル 家電コントロ-ラ- REMO1W2

Nature Remo 第2世代モデル 家電コントロ-ラ- REMO1W2


It looks fun to control Philips Hue.