都内で働くSEの技術的なひとりごと / Technical soliloquy of System Engineer working in Tokyo

都内でサラリーマンやってます。SQL Server を中心とした (2023年からは Azure も。) マイクロソフト系(たまに、OSS系などマイクロソフト以外の技術も...)の技術的なことについて書いています。日々の仕事の中で、気になったことを技術要素関係なく気まぐれに選んでいるので記事内容は開発言語、インフラ等ばらばらです。なお、当ブログで発信、発言は私個人のものであり、所属する組織、企業、団体等とは何のかかわりもございません。ブログの内容もきちんと検証して使用してください。英語の勉強のため、英語の

Summary of SQL Server Tuning - Part 2 - (Filtered Index)

Happy New Year to all! I am translating the old Japanese post while watching "Hakone Ekiden". This year, Tokai Univ. team is quite strong. Next, I try to translate following post.

Today, I suddenly realized that the "SQL Server Tuning" series ended with "Part 1” lol. So I thought it would be a good idea to end with Part 1, so I'd like to put together Part 2 (Too random ….). In this post, I explain about "filtered index". This feature added in SQL Server 2008.

A filtered index, for example, if the contents of one field of a table are mostly NULL, can create an index that contains only records where the value of that field is not NULL (The filter condition is like what you would specify in a Where clause.).

Let's try with the usual “AdventureWorks" database. The target table is “Sales.SalesOrderDetail".

Create an index on the “CarrierTrackingNumber" column.

The number of rows in the Leaf level is "121317", which matches the total number of rows.


Similarly, create an index on the “CarrierTrackingNumber" column. However, in this time, set the filter condition to "CarrierTrackingNumber IS NOT NULL".

The number of rows in the Leaf level is "60919", which is the same as the number of rows excluding the null records.


By using "filtered index", you can perform an efficient search that matches certain conditions. Also, since the number of physical rows stored in the index will be reduced, the I / O load will be reduced, and the speed will be improved.

However, it is quite difficult to design an index that takes the business perspective and it requires a lot of its experience.

Ginger is a really useful website to check my grammar!!