都内で働くSEの技術的なひとりごと / Technical soliloquy of System Engineer working in Tokyo

都内でサラリーマンやってます。SQL Server を中心とした (2023年からは Azure も。) マイクロソフト系(たまに、OSS系などマイクロソフト以外の技術も...)の技術的なことについて書いています。日々の仕事の中で、気になったことを技術要素関係なく気まぐれに選んでいるので記事内容は開発言語、インフラ等ばらばらです。なお、当ブログで発信、発言は私個人のものであり、所属する組織、企業、団体等とは何のかかわりもございません。ブログの内容もきちんと検証して使用してください。英語の勉強のため、英語の

bwin の SQL Server 2014 事例をみてみた

 Gaming Site Can Scale to 250,000 Requests Per Second and Improve Player Experience というマイクロソフトのケーススタディーを参照しました。

今までは sessionState mode="StateServer" で、SQL Server 2012 にセッション状態を保持していたのでしょうか?しかし、自分が担当しているシステムで 毎秒 30,000バッチ要求なんて想像できません....

The company was formed from a merger in late 2010 between online gambling giants bwin and Party Gaming. After the merger, bwin.party consolidated its two high-traffic websites, which led to serious scalability issues when players from both sites were directed to a single site that now supported dozens of games from each of the two companies. “We didn’t have the right technology to scale to support all the new users,” says Rick Kutschera, Manager of Database Engineering at bwin.party. “The gaming system only allowed us to handle about 15,000 requests per second. That’s not a lot when you consider our growth rates.” Placing a single bet in a game required approximately 50 batch requests per second. But due to the higher peak loads, the company needed the system’s session state server to support 30,000 batch requests per second.

 最高で、毎秒 250,000 リクエスト処理可能なんですね。

With in-memory OLTP, the bwin.party gaming system can scale to 250,000 requests per second, giving the company the ability to easily handle new players on the website. “With SQL Server 2014, we can support close to 20 times the number of players on our site if we need to,” says Kutschera. “If the United States were to legalize online gambling again, we would triple our number of users in one day and we’d have the right technology in place to do that without any performance issues. I even think we’d still be fine if the entire world legalized online gambling.”

 うん、そうです。State Server 使いたかったですよ....