都内で働くSEの技術的なひとりごと / Technical soliloquy of System Engineer working in Tokyo

都内でサラリーマンやってます。SQL Server を中心とした (2023年からは Azure も。) マイクロソフト系(たまに、OSS系などマイクロソフト以外の技術も...)の技術的なことについて書いています。日々の仕事の中で、気になったことを技術要素関係なく気まぐれに選んでいるので記事内容は開発言語、インフラ等ばらばらです。なお、当ブログで発信、発言は私個人のものであり、所属する組織、企業、団体等とは何のかかわりもございません。ブログの内容もきちんと検証して使用してください。英語の勉強のため、英語の

SQL Server 2016 SP1 がリリースされたので、ちょっとみてみる


 11月16日に SQL Server 2016 SP1 がリリースされたので、インストールして中身確認してみます。

In addition to a consistent programmability experience across all editions, SQL Server 2016 SP1 also introduces all the supportability and diagnostics improvements first introduced in SQL 2014 SP2, as well as new improvements and fixes centered around performance, supportability, programmability and diagnostics based on the learnings and feedback from customers and SQL community.

 SQL Server 2014 SP2 で追加した機能も SQL Server 2016 SP1 に追加されています。SQL Server 2014 SP2 の機能に関しては下記のブログを参照してください。

 Standard Ed. = EnterPrise Ed. となった感じですね。Standard Ed. に対して凄まじい機能追加ですね!但し、パーティショニング、オンラインインデックス操作などは引き続き EnterPrise Ed. のみの機能になっています。大規模かつシステム停止が難しいシステムは Enterprise を選択する必要があります。

Database Cloning – Clone database is a new DBCC command added that allows DBAs and support teams to troubleshoot existing production databases by cloning the schema and metadata, statistics without the data. Cloned databases is not meant to be used in production environments. To see if a database has been generated from a call to clonedatabase you can use the following command, select DATABASEPROPERTYEX(‘clonedb’, ‘isClone’). The return value of 1 is true, and 0 is false. In SQL Server 2016 SP1, DBCC CLONEDATABASE added supports cloning of CLR, Filestream/Filetable, Hekaton and Query Store objects. DBCC CLONEDATABASE in SQL 2016 SP1 gives you the ability to generate query store only, statistics only, or pure schema only clone without statistics or query store. A CLONED database always contains the schema and the default clone also contains the statistics and query store data. For more information refer KB 3177838.

 ついに CLONEDATABASE が 2016 にも搭載されました。かつ、2014 SP2 の機能から拡張されています。

 下記のオプションが 2016 SP1 で拡張されているようです。

DBCC CLONEDATABASE  (source_database_name, target_database_name) WITH NO_STATISTICS
DBCC CLONEDATABASE  (source_database_name, target_database_name) WITH NO_QUERYSTORE
DBCC CLONEDATABASE  (source_database_name, target_database_name) WITH NO_STATISTICS,NO_QUERYSTORE

CREATE OR ALTER (Yes, we heard you !!!) – New CREATE OR ALTER support makes it easier to modify and deploy objects like Stored Procedures, Triggers, User–Defined Functions, and Views. This was one of the highly requested features by developers and SQL Community.

 DROP IF もいい感じでしたが、これもいい感じですね。これもセットアップスクリプトなど簡易化できそうです。.NET で ConcurrentDictionary の AddOrUpdate メソッドが出た時のことを思い出しました。IF 文での判定が減るのは良いことですね。

New USE HINT query option – A new query option, OPTION(USE HINT(‘

 クエリヒントが追加されています。開発者視点ていうと HINT 句 だけでいいのは敷居が下がった感じでいいですね。これはあとで試してみよう。

Programmatically identify LPIM to SQL service account – New sql_memory_model, sql_memory_model_desc columns in DMV sys.dm_os_sys_info to allow DBAs to programmatically identify if Lock Pages in Memory (LPIM) privilege is in effect at the service startup time.

Programatically identify IFI privilege to SQL service account – New column instant_file_initialization_enabled in DMV sys.dm_server_services to allow DBAs to programmatically identify if Instant File initialization (IFI) is in effect at the SQL Server service startup.

 これも地味にいい機能!dmv で確認できるのは、環境チェックを省力化できますね。

Tempdb supportability – A new Errorlog message indicating the number of tempdb files and notifying different size/autogrowth of tempdb data files at server startup.

 これは SQL Server 2014 SP2 と同様ですかね。

Extended diagnostics in showplan XML – Showplan XML extended to support Memory grant warning, expose max memory enabled for the query, information about enabled trace flags, memory fractions for optimized nested loop joins, query CPU time, query elapsed time, top waits, and information about parameters data type.


Lightweight per–operator query execution profiling – Dramatically reduces performance overhead of collecting per–operator query execution statistics such as actual number of rows. This feature can be enabled either using global startup TF 7412, or is automatically turned on when an XE session containing query_thread_profile is enabled. When the lightweight profiling is on, the information in sys.dm_exec_query_profiles is also available, enabling the Live Query Statistics feature in SSMS and populating a new DMF sys.dm_exec_query_statistics_xml.


New DMF sys.dm_exec_query_statistics_xml – Use this DMF to obtain actual query execution showplan XML (with actual number of rows) for a query which is still being executed in a given session (session id as input parameter). The showplan with a snapshot of current execution statistics is returned when profiling infrastructure (legacy or lightweight) is on.

 セッションID を引数にして、sql_handle、plan_handle、query_lan を取得できます。

New DMF for incremental statistics – New DMF sys.dm_db_incremental_stats_properties to expose information per–partition for incremental stats.

Better correlation between diagnostics XE and DMVs – Query_hash and query_plan_hash are used for identifying a query uniquely. DMV defines them as varbinary(8), while XEvent defines them as UINT64. Since SQL server does not have “unsigned bigint”, casting does not always work. This improvement introduces new XEvent action/filter columns equivalent to query_hash and query_plan_hash except they are defined as INT64 which can help correlating queries between XE and DMVs.

 SQL Server 2014 SP2 と同じですかね。

Better troubleshooting for query plans with push–down predicate – New EstimatedlRowsRead attribute added in showplan XML for better troubleshooting and diagnostics for query plans with push down predicates.

 EstimatedlRowsRead プロパティの追加ですね。チューニングの時に役立ちますね。

Removing noisy Hekaton logging messages from Errorlog – With SQL 2016, Hekaton engine started logging additional messages in SQL Errorlog for supportability and troubleshooting which was overwhelming and flooded the Errorlog with hekaton messages. Based on feedback from DBAs and SQL community, starting SQL 2016 SP1, the Hekaton logging messages are reduced to minimal in Error log as shown below.


Improved AlwaysOn Latency Diagnostics – New XEvents and Perfmon diagnostics capability added to troubleshoot latency more efficiently.

Manual Change Tracking Cleanup – New cleanup stored procedure sp_flush_CT_internal_table_on_demand introduced to clean the change tracking internal table on demand. For more information, refer KB 3173157.

DROP TABLE support for replication – DROP TABLE DDL support for replication to allow replication articles to be dropped. For more information, refer KB 3170123.

 SQL Server 2014 SP2 と同じですかね。

Signed Filestream RsFx Driver on Windows Server 2016/Windows 10– The Filestream RsFx driver introduced with SQL Server 2016 SP1 is signed and certified using Windows Hardware Developer Center Dashboard portal (Dev Portal) allowing SQL Server 2016 SP1 Filestream RsFx driver to be installed on Windows Server 2016/Windows 10 without any issue. For more information on this issue, refer to the SQL Tiger team blog post here.


Bulk insert into heaps with auto TABLOCK under TF 715 – Trace Flag 715 enables table lock for bulk load operations into heap with no non–clustered indexes. When this trace flag is enabled, bulk load operations acquires bulk update (BU) locks when bulk copying data into a table. Bulk update (BU) locks allow multiple threads to bulk load data concurrently into the same table while preventing other processes that are not bulk loading data from accessing the table. The behavior is similar to when the user explicitly specifies TABLOCK hint while performing bulk load or when the sp_tableoption table lock on bulk load is on for a given table however enabling this TF makes this behavior by default without making any query changes or database changes. For more information, refer to the SQL Tiger team blog post here.

 ここに詳しく書いてあります。非クラスタ化インデックスのバルクインサートで 60% くらい削減できたようです。

Parallel INSERT..SELECT Changes for Local temp tables – With SQL Server 2016, Parallel INSERT in INSERT…SELECT operations was introduced. INSERTs into user tables required TABLOCK hint for parallel inserts while INSERTs into local temporary tables were automatically enabled for parallelism without having to designate the TABLOCK hint that user tables require. In a batch workload, INSERT parallelism significantly improves query performance but if there’s a significant concurrent workload trying to run parallel inserts, it causes considerable contention against PFS pages which reduces the overall throughput of the system. This behavior introduced regression in OLTP workload migrating to SQL Server 2016. With SQL Server 2016 SP1, Parallel INSERTs in INSERT..SELECT to local temporary tables is disabled by default and will require TABLOCK hint for parallel insert to be enabled.

 INSERT SELECTのパラレルINSERTはデフォルトで無効になっているので、パラレル INSERT を有効にするには TABLOCK ヒントが必要になります。

The full versions of the WideWorldImporters sample databases now work with Standard Edition and Express Edition, starting SQL Server 2016 SP1. No changes were needed in the sample. The database backups created at RTM for Enterprise edition simply work with Standard and Express in SP1. Download is here: https://github.com/Microsoft/sql-server-samples/releases/tag/wide-world-importers-v1.0

 SP1 に合わせて WideWorldImporters がアップデートされています。GitHub に公開されています。



OAKLEY(オークリー) スノーゴーグル メンズ OO7074-02

OAKLEY(オークリー) スノーゴーグル メンズ OO7074-02